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Click on the links to see the February Menus for each building.
Breakfast Menu for February for all buildings
Welcome Class of 2029!! Spartan families are invited to BHS 8th Grade Orientation and Open House on Wednesday, February 5 from 6-8 PM.
It begins with a brief presentation in the Boardman Performing Arts Center and an overview of the opportunities that await you at BHS!
Meet teachers, coaches, administrators, and club advisors and students who can answer all your questions and show you all that BHS has to offer. Families will be encouraged to tour the building and check out our art studios, multimedia center, planetarium, science labs, academic wing, music, industrial arts wing, and athletic facilities.
NHS Eligibility Letters and Activity Form Applications will be released to juniors and seniors that meet the NHS criteria after semester grades and GPA’s have been verified.
Students should expect the NHS Eligibility Letter and Activity Form Application during the first week of February via Final Forms.
Upcoming Events
What Makes us Unique?
The Boardman School District's reputation for excellence is Spartan Strong! Boardman schools are consistently recognized for rigorous academics, extensive and award-winning arts programs, and competitive athletics.
Where Are They Now?
Our graduates make the most of the skills and experiences they mastered in boardman. BHS Class of 2009's Corey Linsley's pro football career is only a part of his story...